Text Classification API

Find out what User intent is and formulate the best response and actions. Our Text Classification automatically identifies user intents.

API Server

nlu-api.allganize.ai is Allganize's NLU API endpoint. If you are using on-prem, please use your API endpoint.

Getting API KEY

The NLU API uses API keys to authenticate requests that you can find in the Allganize NLU API dashboard. Go to Settings > General to find your API key. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one here.

Provide your API KEY in the request header API-KEY.

Text Classification API

POST https://nlu-api.allganize.ai/api/inference


Request Body

  "inputText": STRING,
  "intent": {
    "id": NUMBER,
    "displayText": STRING,
    "confidence": NUMBER

Request Example

Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. Please see getting-api-key section.

curl https://nlu-api.allganize.ai/api/inference \
-d '{"text": "He is a male. And name is Matt."}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Response Example

  "inputText": "He is a male. And name is Matt",
  "intent": {
    "id": 656,
    "displayText": "PROVIDING_INFO",
    "confidence": 0.7613087892532349

Error Messages

Please read the error message you get if you don't get the response that you expected.

Error Response example

    "type": "APIError",
    "code": 7000,
    "message": "Something went wrong."

Last updated