Additional documentation can be found at:
Start Conversation
Start a conversation using a Skill.
Note: this endpoint is currently only compatible with Message Node, Q&A Node, and Documents Node.
Request Body
200 You will get the result in the following JSON format.
id: The unique id for the conversation just initiated.
nluLanguage: The Alli project's language.
edges: An array of JSON objects, each representing a message in the conversation.
message: The text message the user would be shown by Alli. This is in Draftjs format.
createdAt: The timestamp for when this message was sent.
chatOptionsInfos: An array of JSON objects, each representing a clickable button Alli would display to the user.
shortenOption, longOption : The text content of a button. shortenOption is the text after the length limitation setting is applied.
style: Styling information for a button.
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'OWN-USER-ID: test_userid' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"placement": "skill_A"}'
Response Example
Copy {
"result": {
"conversation": {
"id": "Q29udmVyc2F0aW9uOjYwMDZiNTM3MmRhPHAwMjZlOTFjMjllZQ==",
"project": {
"nluLanguage": "EN"
"chats": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "Q2hhdDo2MDQ2YjUzNzJkYWQwMDI2ZTkxYzI5ZDE=",
"message": "{\"blocks\": [{\"key\": \"egkjj\", \"text\": \"Please select an option\", \"type\": \"unstyled\", \"depth\": 0, \"inlineStyleRanges\": [], \"entityRanges\": [], \"data\": {}}], \"entityMap\": {}}",
"createdAt": 1615246647609.666,
"chatOptionInfos": [
"shortenOption": "FAQ",
"longOption": "FAQ",
"style": {
"bgColor": "#FFFFFF",
"bold": false,
"fontColor": "#2074ff",
"italic": false,
"lineColor": "#2074ff",
"underline": false
"meta": ""
"shortenOption": "Document",
"longOption": "Document",
"style": {
"bgColor": "#FFFFFF",
"bold": false,
"fontColor": "#2074ff",
"italic": false,
"lineColor": "#2074ff",
"underline": false
"meta": ""
"isDeleted": false
"errors": null
Send Chat
Send a message as the user for an existing conversation.
Note: this endpoint is currently only compatible with Message Node, Q&A Node, and Documents Node.
Request Body
200 You will get the result in the following JSON format:
responses: Array of JSON objects, each representing a message. The first message object will be the Request's message.
message: The text message the user would be shown by Alli. Text messages set in nodes in the Skill builder will be in Draftjs format.
createdAt: The timestamp for when this message was created.
chatOptionInfos: An array of JSON objects, each representing a clickable button Alli would display to the user.
shortenOption, longOption: The text content of a button. shortenOption is the text after the length limitaion setting is applied.
style: Styling information for a button
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"conversationId": "Q29udmVyc2F0aW9uOjYwNDZiNWNkZTZkZGQ5MGE3ZWJlMGYxZQ==", "message": "I need help!"}'
Response Example
Copy {
"result": {
"responses": [
"id": "Q2hhdDo2MDQ2YjVlY2U2ZGRkOTBhN2ViZTBmNTU=",
"message": "I need help!",
"createdAt": 1615246828077.0,
"isDeleted": false
"id": "Q2hhdDo2MDQ2YjVlY2U2ZGRkOTBhN2ViZTBmNTc=",
"message": "{\"blocks\": [{\"key\": \"6so0p\", \"text\": \"Please input your question\", \"type\": \"unstyled\", \"depth\": 0, \"inlineStyleRanges\": [], \"entityRanges\": [], \"data\": {}}], \"entityMap\": {}}",
"createdAt": 1615246828110.0,
"chatOptionInfos": [],
"isDeleted": false
"state": "WAIT_USER_ANSWER_2"
"errors": null
Summary Analytics
Provides various summarized analytics information for your project.
Request Body
200 You will get the result in the following JSON format.
conversations: Number of conversations made within the date range.
conversationsUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of number of conversations from the preceding number of days.
participants: Sum of daily unique counts of users who had conversations with Alli.
participantsUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of sum of users from the preceding number of days.
uniqueParticipants: Unique count of users who had conversations with Alli within the date range.
uniqueParticipantsUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of uniqueParticipants from the preceding number of days.
queries: Total number of questions toward FAQ or MRC Documents from users. It includes questions asked from the 'Answer with FAQ' node, 'Answer with MRC' node, and the Alli dashboard.
queriesUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of total queries from the preceding number of days.
queriedUsers: Sum of daily unique counts of users who asked questions at least once toward FAQ or MRC Documents.
queriedUsersUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of queriedUsers from the preceding number of days.
uniqueQueriedUsers: Unique count of users who asked questions at least once toward FAQ or MRC Documents.
uniqueQueriedUsersUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of uniqueQueriedUsers from the preceding number of days.
instantResolution: The number of answers customers selected upon their questions from the Answer with FAQ node.
instantResolutionUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of instantResolution from the preceding number of days.
aiResponseRate: The ratio of 'Resolved by AI' over the number of questions asked from the Answer with FAQ node.
aiResponseRateUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of aiResponseRate from the preceding number of days.
uniqueVisitors: Unique count of visitors to the webpage where Alli SDK is integrated. This number is the 'Number of Users' for billing calculation.
uniqueVisitorsUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of uniqueVisitors from the preceding number of days.
totalFaqs: Number of FAQs added.
totalFaqsUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of totalFaqs from the preceding number of days.
totalDocuments: Number of Documents uploaded.
totalDocumentsUpDown: For the queried number of days, the percentage change of totalDocuments from the preceding number of days.
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -X GET -d '{ "startDate": "2020-11-14",
"endDate": "2020-12-14"}' \
Response Example
Copy {
"result": {
"conversations": 45,
"conversationsUpDown": -45.78,
"participants": 44,
"participantsUpDown": -32.31,
"uniqueParticipants": 43,
"uniqueParticipantsUpDown": -31.75,
"queries": 39,
"queriesUpDown": -56.18,
"queriedUsers": 35,
"queriedUsersUpDown": -46.97,
"uniqueQueriedUsers": 35,
"uniqueQueriedUsersUpDown": -44.44,
"instantResolution": 1,
"instantResolutionUpDown": 0.0,
"aiResponseRate": 100.0,
"aiResponseRateUpDown": 0.0,
"uniqueVisitors": 2077,
"uniqueVisitorsUpDown": -1.05,
"totalFaqs": 0,
"totalFaqsUpDown": 0.0,
"totalDocuments": 0,
"totalDocumentsUpDown": 0.0,
"feedbacksUpDown": 0.0
"errors": null
Daily Conversation Count
The total number of conversations per day for a given range.
Request Body
200 You will get the result in the following JSON format.
dailyTotalCount: List of date and activeCount pairs, where activeCount is the number of conversations on date.
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -X GET -d '{ "startDate": "2020-11-19",
"endDate": "2020-11-24"}' \
Response Example
Copy {
"result": {
"dailyTotalCount": [
"date": "2020-11-19",
"activeCount": 30
"date": "2020-11-20",
"activeCount": 49
"date": "2020-11-21",
"activeCount": 32
"date": "2020-11-22",
"activeCount": 2
"date": "2020-11-23",
"activeCount": 31
"date": "2020-11-24",
"activeCount": 16
"state": "NORMAL",
"campaignCount": 1
"errors": null
Daily FAQ Count
Daily trend of Q&A from FAQ in given date range.
Request Body
200 You will get the result in the following JSON format:
dailyTotalCount: List of date and activeCount pairs, where activeCount is the number of faqs selected on date.
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -X GET -d '{ "startDate": "2020-11-19",
"endDate": "2020-11-24"}' \
Response Example
Copy {
"result": {
"dailyTotalCount": [
"date": "2020-11-19",
"count": 24
"date": "2020-11-20",
"count": 70
"date": "2020-11-21",
"count": 23
"date": "2020-11-22",
"count": 45
"date": "2020-11-23",
"count": 34
"date": "2020-11-24",
"count": 30
"errors": null
Daily FAQ Analytics
Analytics information for the most frequently asked Q&As.
Request Body
200 You will get the result in the following JSON format:
faqDailyAnalytics: List of JSON objects, each containing analytics information for one faq.
totalCount: Total number of times Q&A was selected.
totalShownCount: Total number of times Q&A was displayed.
selectedRatio: Ratio of times Q&A was selected to times Q&A was displayed
stats: List of date and selectedCount pairs where selectedCount is the number of times the faq was selected on date.
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -X GET -d '{ "startDate": "2020-12-02",
"endDate": "2020-12-05", "topN": 5}' \
Response Example
Copy {
"result": {
"faqDailyAnalytics": [
"totalCount": 1,
"totalShownCount": 1,
"selectedRatio": 100.0,
"faq": {
"question": "What is Alli?"
"stats": [
"date": "2020-12-02",
"selectedCount": 0
"date": "2020-12-03",
"selectedCount": 0
"date": "2020-12-04",
"selectedCount": 1
"date": "2020-12-05",
"selectedCount": 0
"errors": null
Executing a Skill
This API executes a skill and returns the final text answer as json format. Please follow the link under the 'Learn More about Variables' below for more information about the variables parameter. This API can be used for the entity extraction if the skill is designed for the entity extraction.
Request Body
200 You will get the result as the following json format. The final text output will be returned in result. If any error happens, the error message will be included in the errors.
Copy {"result": "TEXT RESULT FROM SKILL", "errors": []}
Learn More about Variables
To learn more about the variables in Alli, please see this user guide.
Request Example
Please replace YOUR_API_KEY with your one in the example below. To get the api key, please see getting-api-key section.
Copy curl -d '{"id": "YOUR SKILL ID",
"text": "issue date",
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response Example
Copy {"result": "TEXT RESULT FROM SKILL", "errors": []}