Alli Retrieval API

The Retrieval API allows you to obtain the top N page information related to a question from documents uploaded to Alli.



Request Body

If the request is successful, you can obtain the results in JSON format.

ranking : Rank of the page related to the question

title : Title of the document related to the question

text : Content of the page related to the question

page_no : Page number


  • Keyword search : Assigns scores based on whether tokens match when the sentence is divided into tokens.

  • Semantic search : Measures similarity by converting sentences into embedding vectors. Can respond to synonyms.

Response Example

At this time, you need to replace the REST API KEY with your project's API key. Please refer to the "Getting API Key" section.

curl -X POST -d '{
 "question": "What are the differences in the licensing requirements and procedures for commercial banks, regional banks, and internet banks?",
 "bm25_score_weight": 9
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Response Example

 "result": [
      "ranking": 1,
      "title": "[Appendix] Authorization method and procedure for converting regional banks to commercial banks.pdf",
      "text": "2. Review Content\na. Key Issues: Review of all detailed review requirements vs. review of some requirements\nRegional banks have received banking business authorization in the past and continue to operate\n○ The authorization requirements for regional banks and commercial banks differ only in some requirements such as minimum capital and major shareholder requirements\n* Minimum capital: (Commercial banks) 100 billion won (Regional banks) 25 billion won (Internet banks) 25 billion won\n* Non-financial entity shareholding limit: (Commercial banks) 4% (Regional banks) 15% (Internet banks) 34%\nWhether a review of previously examined requirements* is necessary when changing the authorization content to convert a regional bank to a commercial bank\n* Business plan feasibility requirements, executive requirements, personnel/business facilities/computer equipment requirements\nb. Review and Conclusion: Review all detailed review requirements as per new authorization\nConverting a regional bank to a commercial bank constitutes a \"significant change\" to the existing authorization content\nReview all detailed review requirements* by law, same as the existing authorization\n* Major shareholder requirements, business plan feasibility requirements, executive requirements, personnel/business facilities/computer equipment requirements, etc.\n※ (Supreme Court 2011du21485) If it results in a substantial change to content that has already been verified, it can be considered the same as taking a new verification procedure, so a procedure equivalent to the deliberation of the Textbook Review Committee in the verification procedure should be followed.\n○ Especially considering that the scope of business is expanding compared to before, business plans, internal controls, executive qualification requirements, and other management-related detailed review requirements are more closely examined\n○ All necessary procedures, such as external evaluation committees* and gathering opinions from interested parties, are carried out without omission to check the validity of detailed review requirements\n* (Banking Supervision Regulations Article 7) The head of the supervisory office may organize and operate an evaluation committee if deemed necessary to evaluate the feasibility of business plans, etc. in relation to the authorization review.",
      "pageNo": 6
      "ranking": 2,
      "title": "240130(Press Release) Authorization method and procedure for converting regional banks to commercial banks.pdf",
      "text": "Press Release Time\nAfter the Financial Services Commission meeting on 2024.1.31.(Wed)\n(Separate notice)\nDistribution\n2024.1.30.(Tue) 10:00\nAuthorization method and procedure\nwhen converting regional banks to commercial banks\nConversion through 'change in authorization content' according to Article 8 of the Banking Act on banking business authorization\n Review all detailed review requirements by law as per new authorization\n Preliminary authorization procedure can be omitted, but can be conducted if the applicant wishes\nOn July 5, 2023, the government announced* that it would pursue the conversion of regional banks to commercial banks to promote competition in the banking sector.\n* 「Plan to improve management, business practices, and systems in the banking sector」\nUnder the current banking business authorization system, commercial banks, regional banks, and internet-only banks all need to obtain authorization from the Financial Services Commission according to Article 8 of the Banking Act to engage in banking business.\nCommercial banks, regional banks, and internet-only banks have mostly the same authorization requirements and procedures, but there are differences in some authorization requirements* and business areas/methods.\n* Minimum capital: (Commercial banks) 100 billion won (Regional banks) 25 billion won (Internet banks) 25 billion won\n* Non-financial entity shareholding limit: (Commercial banks) 4% (Regional banks) 15% (Internet banks) 34%\n<Table> Classification of bank types according to business area and method\nHowever, there are no explicit provisions in the current banking laws regarding the conversion of regional banks to commercial banks, and there have been no cases of bank type conversion in the past.\nThere are some opinions that conversion to a commercial bank is possible if the business area restricted to specific regions in the articles of incorporation of a regional bank is changed to nationwide, but the conversion of bank types is an important matter of financial supervision policy, and it is inappropriate to allow it only through changes to the articles of incorporation without prior approval procedures.\n- 1 -",
      "keywords": "240130 (Press Release) Authorization method and procedure for converting regional banks to commercial banks",
      "pageNo": 1
      "ranking": 3,
      "title": "[Appendix] Authorization method and procedure for converting regional banks to commercial banks.pdf",
      "text": "Reference 1 Current banking business authorization system\nAuthorization from the Financial Services Commission is required under the Banking Act (Article 8) to engage in banking business\n* (Banking Act §8➀) Anyone who wants to operate a banking business must obtain authorization from the Financial Services Commission.\n○ Not only commercial banks (nationwide operations) but also regional banks and internet banks are all stipulated to receive authorization under the same article (Article 8)\n○ Regional banks and internet banks have mostly the same authorization requirements and procedures as commercial banks, but there are differences in some authorization requirements* and business areas/methods\n* Minimum capital: (Commercial banks) 100 billion won (Regional banks) 25 billion won (Internet banks) 25 billion won\n* Non-financial entity shareholding limit: (Commercial banks) 4% (Regional banks) 15% (Internet banks) 34%\n<Table 1> Classification of bank types according to business area and method\nBusiness method \\ Business area\nNationwide\nPartially restricted\nOnline + Offline\nCommercial banks\nRegional banks\nOnline\nInternet-only banks\n-\nMeanwhile, those seeking to receive final authorization for banking business can apply for preliminary authorization\n* (Banking Act §11-2➀) A person who intends to receive authorization under Article 8 (final authorization) may apply for preliminary authorization to the Financial Services Commission in advance.\n○ The preliminary authorization system is intended to prevent unnecessary investment by confirming in advance the possibility of final authorization for the applicant\n* Typically, at the preliminary authorization stage, a detailed review is conducted before the final authorization stage through the operation of external evaluation committees to gather opinions from interested parties and check the feasibility of business plans, etc.\n○ The Financial Services Commission attaches conditions to the preliminary authorization (usually content requiring human and material facilities to be in place) and verifies the fulfillment of those conditions at the time of final authorization",
      "keywords": "[Appendix] Authorization method and procedure for converting regional banks to commercial banks",
      "pageNo": 4

Last updated