Upload Data
Get to know how to upload data to train/test model
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Get to know how to upload data to train/test model
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You can check the following data in the Dashboard data area.
Data automatically uploaded through API integration
Data uploaded directly via File uploading
Data uploaded directly through Sentence input
There are three upload methods, but they can all be browsed in one data area on Dashboard page.
When uploading a file, you can choose whether to use the data as training or test data in advance. By selecting the Train/Test option and uploading the file, the dashboard will be presented with the toggle on for each option.
If you select the RANDOM option when uploading a file, you can enter a percentage (%). Among the data in the file, the percentage entered (e.g. 20%) is randomly set as test data, and the remaining percentage (e.g. 80%) is set as training data.
After the upload is complete, you can check the Train/Test setting (toggle) status of each data in the dashboard.
You can upload JSON, TXT/TSV, and XLSX files.
If category tags exist, a header must be included (as in the first example).
The text (classification target) must be located at the very beginning.
If category tags do not exist, the header can be omitted (as in the second example).
The data should be separated by tabs.
The order of the columns does not matter.
The sentiment must be one of the following values: -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2.
Column names must be specified. The order of column names does not matter.
The column names are ["PHRASE", "TOKEN", "START", "END", "TAG", "NO"]
The order of column names does not matter.
'NO' is an optional column.
There are no column names.
The data can be in either the [text] or [intent, text] format.
If intent is present, it should be placed before text.
Both of the following formats are valid:
There are no specific column names required.
It can be either in the form of [text] or [intent, text].
Both examples below are valid.
If there are category tags, there must be a header (first example).
The text (classification target) must be located at the very beginning.
If there are no category tags, the header can be omitted (second example).
The data is separated by a tab.
Column names must exist and the following order must be followed:
TEXT - Large category - Medium category - Small category